The 'WHY' To Our 'WHAT'!

We love that we are apart of such an amazing industry, the hair and beauty industry. There is nothing better than having a job where you get to make people feel amazing inside and out. It actually doesn't end up being a job at all, its a passion that you live out daily.
But after a while being involved in the industry it's not hard to realise it can, at times be somewhat inward focused and a tad vain.

Our mission at Clay Hair is to change that culture and be outward focused and all about others. Which includes our team, our guests and others out in the community.
My HUGE dream since starting our little salon was and still is to be able to solely fund and support an organisation or charity to help them to continue to do the things they need to, to forever change the lives of others. Oh my, wouldn't that be amazing! To give our guests an AMAZING hair experience and our salon to flourish and in turn be able to say.. "Hey, I hear you need to build a home where young women can seek comfort, refuge and peace? Here you go, Clay Hair can make it happen!"
Wow, I've just said that out loud to the big wide world. It makes me feel vulnerable and scared because at times this can feel soo BIG and unattainable and possibly a little crazy to the outside world. But if you never dream BIG you never know what you could actually fulfil in your lifetime, right?
So lately I've been thinking a lot about heading towards our goals, doing what you say your wanting to do and starting out how you want to finish. So if that's our big dream, start doing it! Just start small and see where it takes you!

2019 is the year and this is why we are deciding from February to start! Start somewhere, start small. So we are!
2% of all our services will be going to a different charity or organisation each month. We are excited, I'm excited! We can't wait to see where this year takes us and how many people we can impact with our salon walls and out in the community.
So when your in the salon each month, look out for our letter board sign telling you who we are supporting for that month. Or you can sign up to our email list on our home page to keep you updated too! We are definitely open to hearing from our guests too, so we would love to know your thoughts on any great charities that need support.
There it is! Ive put it out there and it feels good! Hope you love where we are heading and the 'why' in our 'what'!
Kylie x