Healthy Summer Hair - The Essential Guide
It's fully hot isn't it? We cannot wait until summer gets here and then after a few weeks of scorchers, we are wanting winter back to snuggle under a blanket and be a bit cooler. We feel the affects of the hot sun and its not always fun...dehydrated, sunburn, sweaty and feel sluggish.
Our hair is totally the same, it gets affected by the Australian sun (totally reckon, we Qld'ers have the hottest & strongest sun around) and it can make our life a little difficult when were trying to look after our hair to get it looking its best.
Ive got some hot tips and recommendations for you this summer season -
1 - Wear a Hat - Extra sun that unnecessary dries out your hair like you wouldn't believe. So even when your heading out to the garden to sitting at a cafe drinking lattes with a friend, be sure to pop on that hat! Promise you can get some trendy one too! I think these are super cute.

2 - Moisturise your hair - This is an important one. You protect your skin from the sun right? By putting on sunscreen before you go out and making sure it's moisturised. You should be doing the same thing for your hair. Before you hit the beach, wet your hair down and lather a good moisturiser into it. Your hair will love all the nutrients it's getting instead of your hair sucking up all the salty water, which is totally drying on the hair. It's a good trick to create a barrier against the heat, salt and chlorine. We love the Precious Ends by Pure, its easy to use and doesn't feel oily.

3 - Wash Less - I know its hard to resist but washing your hair actually strips your hair of natural oils that stimulates the glands to create more oil which in turn makes it more greasy. It also pulls at the hair and roughs it up so if you limit how often you wash it you help it keep less oily and better condition all round.

4- Change up your hairstyles -If you can't stand your hair on your neck your more than likely to keep pulling it up in a top knot...but if you keep putting your hair up with a tie in the same spot daily it weakens the cuticle and sometimes it can cause breakage. So switch it up a bit, low pony to a high pony, a messy bun or a braid.

5 - Silk pillowcase - One of our top 10 tips for your best hair is use a Silk pillowcase, these are seriously the best invention. It will eliminate the frizz and bed hair when you wake up. Especially in the hot months when your hair feels a little more fragile and dry, a silk pillowcase is a must not only for your hair but it's got great benefits for your skin too!

So hope these tips give you some good info to help you out this Summer! What kinds of things do you do to give your hair some TLC when it's hot and humid? Would love to hear about it. So why don't you give yourself some self care right now- go and put a hair treatment on your hair and head outside with a good book or a mag and enjoy yourself.