Why the NAME?

Sit down, get comfy, and enjoy the read. I'm excited to share this one with you.
I thought instead of getting too carried away and punching out all this cool hair content, I'd actually let you in on the background of Clay Hair and how we came about. Hence the blog title, Why the name?
Here it is, I'm Kylie, owner of Clay Hair and this is how the story goes....
Way back when I was a young girl, year 9 actually, my mum was training to be a hairdresser. She used to bring all her curlers and headlocks home and naturally being a girl of that age I'd be getting in and playing with their hair and loving it - and so you can imagine from there, the love of hair began.
At that time, mum was chatting (as they do) and said "You know if I ever opened a salon, I'd call it 'Potter & The Clay'. I thought it was an awesome idea.
Being the creative that I am, I took my art book out and created the whole shebang, logo, shop frontage design, business card..the lot! I so remember it, the colours were purple and gold. I've tried to find it many times over the years but it must have been thrown out somewhere there.
We thought if we were going to be hairdressers then its more than just about cutting hair. We thought about the story of the Potter and their clay, they mould and create something so beautiful out of the clay that sits on their wheel.
So relating it back to hair. As hairdressers we would see ourselves as the Potter and our clients, the clay. Moulding and shaping these amazing hair creations for each and every individual that comes through our doors.
But not only make our clients look absolutely stunning and fall in love with their hair but help them feel beautiful on the inside and leave feeling refreshed having had an incredible experience. That's the ultimate goal, to love yourself from the inside out.

So all this happened back in the 90's. Years went by, I finished school and started my apprenticeship, finished and I was now a fully-fledged hairstylist...woop!
After a good 9 years I decided to go out on a limb and start on my own (I honestly didn't think it would be anything but a short chapter in life, but I love how life throws different things at you and you grow with it)
All the memories of long ago and how mum and I chatted about "our future salon" came back to me. So I tweaked the name and just knew that my salon was to be called 'CLAY HAIR'. I have such a love for hair and for people and I absolutely love creating the best hair and best atmosphere for our clients.
If you ever have been in the salon you would have seen the awesome chalk board hanging up (pictured above) which was done by a very talented lady, Kiara. This is a scripture that really is the soul of Clay Hair and has impact on why we chose our name and why we do what we do.
4 years on Clay Hair is such a passion of mine. It's so crazy that mum now works with me at the salon and helps out so much in so many areas of life.. I have an amazing team Cassie, who's is absolutely amazing and can't thank her enough for all the hard work she does and Isabella is our upcoming superstar school based apprentice. I so appreciate them all. Drop in sometime and meet them.

My long term goal for Clay Hair is to continue creating beautiful hair, but to change culture of the beauty industry by giving people confidence in themselves, making them realise that its all about what's on the inside. I want the culture of our salon not to be about "us" and "me" but 'OTHERS' by giving out from our salon. Our time, our passion, our money, our love.
So here is to 'The best is yet to come'! Who knows, we may even rebrand someday to "Potter & The Clay", what do y'all think?
Would love to see you sometime.
Will keep you posted
Kylie x
ps. if you loved the read it would mean the world to comment below or share it to your peeps :)